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Breast Cancer, Diet, and Heart Health: How the Pathways Study is Informing Lifestyle Medicine
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Breast cancer survivors have a higher risk of heart disease. How does diet matter for breast cancer survivors’ heart health? What practical steps can improve breast cancer survivors’ long term health? Get these questions and more answered in our hour-long free webinar brought to you by Zero Breast Cancer at Collaborative for Health & Environment and Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research.

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We have all heard how important sleep is for our health. The stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment on the body and mind can make sleep more difficult, yet it is important for healing. Even people whose treatment has ended commonly have trouble sleeping occasionally. For some of us, sleep can be a struggle.

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BEACON (Beneficial, Empowering, Accessible, Cancer Online Network) is a free, self-paced online system that provides cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors tools to reduce stress, cultivate joy, and practice wellness. This program was developed by Wellness Within, a nonprofit dedicated to helping people navigate the fog of information and emotions surrounding cancer diagnosis; their goal is to give space to focus on your quality of life while letting the doctors focus on the disease.

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Four researchers kicked off the first in our Pathways Breast Cancer Study webinar series, Thriving and Breast Cancer: What we’ve learned from the Pathways Study, in February 2023. They gave an overview of the study and the findings so far about the relationship between diet patterns, Vitamin D, and length of survival and the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

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Puberty is the process of growing from a child into an adult. For girls, this happens when the brain tells the ovaries to start making chemicals called "hormones" that help you grow. There are many things that can shape when you start puberty and what it’s like. In this video, "Girls Talk: What is Puberty?," teens share what puberty was like for them so younger girls can learn from their experience.

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About the course
The Anticancer Lifestyle Program is a free online evidenced-based lifestyle transformation course that offers cancer survivors and those of us interested in prevention the tools and information we need to reduce the odds of cancer and cancer recurrence. It can also help prevent or manage other chronic illnesses, like heart disease and type II diabetes.