Zero Breast Cancer (ZBC) offers health and wellness materials for many different audiences to reduce breast cancer risk and the risk of recurrence. With each description, we have noted what is currently in stock and available for free. If you want materials not in stock or a large amount, we can let you know the cost for ordering or provide you with print-quality files you can order yourself. Fill out the Printed Materials Request Form online to let us know how much you would like, or email us for more information at
For Kids Ages 5+
ZBC’s 12 page, 8 ½” x 11” multilingual and multicultural activity booklets, Healthy Activity Booklet: Being Healthy is About Feeling Our Best!, promote lifelong health and wellness by providing healthy action ideas to color and asking kids to draw what they like to do.
- English (In stock)
- Spanish
- American Indian/Alaska Native
- Tagalog
- French
For Parents/Caregivers of Young Girls
ZBC’s Girls’ New Puberty offers ideas for health and wellness because girls are beginning puberty earlier than ever before. Parents and caregivers of girls ages 5-13 can learn tips to support lifelong health by helping girls move more, eat healthy, get enough sleep, manage stress and limit exposure to toxic chemicals.
- Cardstock fliers (5” X 7”) with short links to English, Spanish and Chinese videos (In stock)
- Infographic bookmarks (2 ½” X 8 ½”) - two-sided English/Spanish (In stock)
For Teens and Up
The Generations campaign includes a series of 6” x 11” English-language hand-outs or posters informing people about how chemical exposures before conception and during fetal development can impact the risk of diseases throughout their own, their children and even their grandchildren’s lives. Each includes an action that can be taken to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and directs people to a section of our website with more actions and information.
- Personal Care Products (In stock)
- Pesticides (In stock)
- Drink Containers (In stock)
- Microwaving
- Receipts (In stock)
- Handwashing
ZBC’s 13 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer campaign educates people about actions they can take to reduce their lifetime risk of breast cancer in several formats. Included are lifestyle, environmental, and medical actions we can take to lower our breast cancer risk and improve overall health and wellness.
- Brochures - English (In stock) or Spanish (In stock)
- Posters (18” x 24”) - English or Spanish (In stock)
- Postcards (4” x 6”) - English (In stock)
For Breast Cancer Survivors
ZBC’s Survivorship Factsheets are a series of 8 ½ “ X 11”, four-page documents that address topics deemed important by multi-lingual and lower-income Black, Asian-American, Latina and White women who were treated for breast cancer. Each weaves stories and relevant research to explain the issues and provide specific tips and resources to address concerns of breast cancer survivors and those who care for them.
- Memory and Thinking Problems After Breast Cancer - English or Spanish (In stock)
- What is Breast Cancer-Related Neuropathy? - English or Spanish (In stock)
- Heart Health & Breast Cancer - English (in stock), Spanish coming soon