Very special support from a very special organization!
The Dipsea Race makes a generous donation to Zero Breast Cancer
In November Rose Barlow, ZBC ED received the following email:
"Rose: My name is.....and I am a member of the Dipsea Race Committee.
Back in April, we were the lead organizer for the 100th anniversary celebration of the Women's Dipsea Hike in Marin County. At that time, we, as a board, decided to donate any proceeds from the event to a women's organization in Marin in honor of the participants who took part in the celebration and all the women who competed in the Women's Dipsea Hike from 1918 to 1922. [You can read more about the history of this hike here.]
One of the Dipsea Race's principals is focused on the health and wellness of its competitors, volunteers, and anyone who hikes the Dipsea Trail. We recognize and appreciate Zero Breast Cancer's mission to promote breast cancer risk reduction through translation of scientific research and evidence-based recommendations that support health and wellness at key stages of life.
At our board meeting last night, the Dipsea Race Committee unanimously agreed to donate $7,000 to the Zero Breast Cancer. This decision was both professional and personal, especially for me. A couple of weeks after the Women's Dipsea Hike in April my wife, ... was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. She had surgery, completed chemotherapy, and, last week, finished the final of 30 radiation treatments.
Hence, me and my fellow members of the Dipsea Race Committee have more than a passing interest in Zero Breast Cancer and its purpose.
We would like to present this $7,000 check/donation to you and Zero Breast Cancer sometime in December, perhaps at a Zero Breast Cancer board meeting or we could arrange some sort of ceremonial presentation inside or outside your offices. Some of our Dipsea Race Committee may be unable to attend the ceremony, depending on what date is convenient for you and your staff, but I would be present and I would wish that my wife could attend such a ceremony."
Needless to say we were delighted to arrange this presentation. Here we all are gathered in the main conference room of the business center at the California Academy of Sciences following the ZBC Board's final meeting and annual celebration on Sunday December 16, 2018.

From Left to Right Back Row: Kevin Gay, Arbella Odishoo Parrot; Chris Kenz*, Anne Hartwig, Catherine Thomsen, Judy Wetterer, Edda Stickle* Front Row; Melissa Felder, Lianna Hartmour, Caroline Albee*, Lexi Mele-Algus, Rose Barlow, Connie Goldsmith * Representatives of the Dipsea Race presenting the check to the staff and board of Zero Breast Cancer.