You might have noticed that our web address,, is a bit long. When we add on the exact location of our materials, it's much longer! Some of our materials aren't even housed on our website but exist on YouTube and other platforms. In order to make our materials more easily accessible, we have begun using a branded shortlink: If you go directly to that address, it will state that it is a "Branded Short Domain" without mentioning it belongs to Zero Breast Cancer. However, if you go to a link we have created with it, you will be brought directly to our materials. Here are a few links we have created so far:
- Girls' New Puberty YouTube videos in English:
- Girls' New Puberty YouTube videos in Spanish:
- Girls' New Puberty YouTube videos in Chinese:
- 13 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer materials in English and Spanish:
We hope you will find these links easy to use and share them widely! Please