Events Calendar

Breast Cancer, Diet, and Heart Health: How the Pathways Study is Informing Lifestyle Medicine
Tuesday 29 October 2024, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Breast cancer survivors have a higher risk of heart disease. How does diet matter for breast cancer survivors’ heart health? What practical steps can improve breast cancer survivors’ long term health? Get these questions and more answered in our hour-long free webinar brought to you by Zero Breast Cancer at Collaborative for Health & Environment and Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research.

Isaac Ergas, PhD (Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research), will highlight how recent findings from the Pathways Study reveal the role of diet quality in lowering the risk of heart disease in breast cancer survivors. Robin Zwerling Baltrushes, MD (Kaiser Permanente), will explore the role of lifestyle medicine in supporting survivors and provide practical solutions for improving long-term health.

Lianna Hartmour, MA (Zero Breast Cancer at Collaborative for Health & Environment), will host the forum and lead the Q&A with the two researchers and Pathways Principal Investigator Larry Kushi, ScD (Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research).

We hope you will join us to learn more about heart health and diet, ask questions, and offer your ideas for how research can improve health.

Register here.